European Starling

European Starling

 Sturnus vulgaris

Description: 7 1/2-8 1/2" smaller than a robin, s short-tailed chunky, iridescent black bird, long pointed bill is yellow, dark in fall and early winter, plumage flecked with white in winter, juvenile dull gray with dark bill Habitat: Abundant. Found in a wide variety of habitats in virtually every part of the continental US and southern Canada. Introduced into New York in the late 19th century from Europe. 
Nesting: 4-6 pale-blue eggs in a mass of grass,  twigs, and trash  placed in a tree or building cavity Range: resident from Canads south all across US. 
Voice: series of musical, squeaky and raspy tones, mimics other birds Diet: fruit, seeds, invertebrates berries
Notes: Competes successfully with native species for nest sites Often seen in large flocks, generally considered pests 
When present in Oklahoma: present statewide  year-round

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